DG TAXUD has a dedicated Communication workstream with the objective to promote information about the new ICS2 requirements and to disseminate information to involved Economic operators in different sectors of the transportation and logistics supply chain: air, maritime, rail and road. For this, we use different means of communication including updates on the website, publication of the factsheets, videos, press releases, posts in the social media and other.
TAXUD counts a lot on your collaboration in communicating and disseminating the ICS2 information and requirements to the members of your trade communities. They publish regularly ICS2 posts on the LinkedIn page of DG Trade.
They are contacting you with a kind request to share and repost the ICS2 information published by DG TAXUD on your websites and/or on your LinkedIn page, if you have it.
In particular, earlier in January two below posts for the topic of ICS2 have been published on the LinkedIn DG Trade page. TAXUD kindly ask you to re-publish them on your LinkedIn page and/or share on your website the links to these posts:
The above communication was kindly shared by Jean Aubert from DFDS (Denmark). For more information, please contact Jean directly at: [email protected].