2022 Spring Conference
Edinburgh, Scotland
12 and 13 May 2022
Topic: VAT Neutrality: Lost in transactions?
Although VAT neutrality is the cornerstone of the European VAT system, protecting it is a permanent challenge for all stakeholders. Neutrality can be lost as a principle, for which the Court of Justice is the guardian. It can be lost as tax evasion for Member States and/or absence of level playing field for legitimate businesses. It can be lost in accounting and digital reporting in the Digital Age. All this is happening now.
Speakers For This Conference
Andrew Tucker is Head of VAT Deductions and Financial Services policy in HMRC. Prior to his current role he headed up the VAT policy team in HMRC dealing with EU Exit. He has previously led a variety of teams and projects across a number of different UK Government departments including on legal aid reform, devolution and in the somewhat niche area of coroners and burials. He is a trustee of two charities, is Chair of Governors at a free school in London and (at the time of writing) is currently training for the London Marathon. He is married to Jane with two daughters Hannah (7) and Sophie (5).
Christian Amand is a lawyer at Xirius in Brussels. He represents CFE/ Tax Advisers Europe at the EU VAT Forum. He chaired the indirect taxation sub-group of the CFE. He is the author of numerous publications and columns on VAT and customs duties. He participated in the preparation of 7 business defenses in preliminary rulings before the Court of Justice of the EU.
Christian is a lawyer and certified tax advisor. He advises clients on all aspects of national and international VAT issues and specializes in customs and excise duty matters. His particular focus is on import VAT related issues as well as optimizing cross-border supply chains and processing schemes. Christian has extensive experience in carrying out SAP-VAT audits and customs reviews. He also accompanies external audits and represents clients before tax authorities and fiscal courts. His clients range from individuals to international groups.
He is regularly publishing comments, articles and annotations in VAT, customs and excises related topics.
Working in the VAT sector of tax legislation department of the French ministry of Finances for 4 years, I hold a master degree in European and International public law.
Since my arrival in the ministry of Finances, I followed European works regarding Ecommerce VAT package and its integration in French law. Specialized on European files, I also participate on VAT in the digital age discussions with European institutions.
I am also involved in evolutions of the French legislation on import and export operations as well as on various subjects concerning the French VAT.
Beside this, I regularly give VAT courses and participate to seminars between French administrations and business operators involved in VAT management.
Graduated from HEC in 1997 with a specialisation in Finances, Cyrille Konter started his career in Germany within various investment banks as structureur and seller of derivatives on action. In 2003, he returns to France to take over the business development of TEVEA International.
David Hummel is since October 2016 legal secretary (référendaire) at the European Court of Justice at the cabinet of advocate general Kokott.
Before (2013 – 2016) he represented several tax law chairs at the Universities of Münster, Trier, Leipzig and Hamburg. In mid-2017 the appointment as a Professor at the University of Leipzig took place. His academic career starts with the Study of Law at the University of Leipzig, a Graduation (Phd) as an assistant of Prof. Dr. Stadie with a VAT-Thesis in 2009 and a Habilitation in 2013 with the matter: „Rechtsformneutralität im Öffentlichen Recht“ (neutrality of legal forms in public law – venia legendi: public law, especially tax law and public economic law).
Emmanuel is a French tax lawyer specializing exclusively in indirect taxes (VAT, Excise and Customs duties). After 10 years of experience at Price Waterhouse Tax and Legal and then Arthur Andersen International, he started his own consulting law firm in 2000. He has specifically built a significant experience in international supply chain structuring, ERP/SAP VAT implementations and multi-national advisory and compliance coordination. His main areas of activity are pharmaceuticals, energy utilities, aeronautics and chemicals. He is a partner of VAT Forum CV and regularly lectures at international VAT events.
She is an experienced trainer and holds seminars throughout Germany for the management staff of major German companies in VAT, customs and intrastat topics. She also has been accredited by the ICC as trainer for Incoterms2010. Furthermore, she is a guest lecturer at the Federal Finance Academy in Berlin.
Nathalie is one of the authors of „Rau/Dürrwächter“ (commentary of the VAT-Law – § 21 import VAT and § 21a special arrangement) and publishes regularly on customs and VAT issues.
Fernando Matesanz is the owner and Director of the firm named Spanish VAT Services Asesores SL. He Counts on more than twelve years of experience in providing advice in VAT and other Indirect Taxes.
Fernando holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Degree in European Legislation. He also holds a Master of Laws (LLM) in Corporate Tax Law from the IE Business School.
He is an active Tax Lawyer, member of the Bar and a certified Tax Advisor.
Fernando began his carrier within the VAT Group of Ernst & Young, managing the VAT and customs practice for more than eight years. After that, he founded the firm Spanish VAT Services Asesores SL a firm exclusively working on international VAT matters and other Indirect taxes. Spanish VAT Services is currently one of the main VAT services providers for small and medium-sized companies within the Spanish market.
Fernando regularly acts as speaker and lecturer in different Universities and organizations. He is also a member of the VAT Forum CV.
George is currently studying Law with International Legal Studies at the University of Leeds and will be commencing my final year studying abroad at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada in September 2021.
He has a strong interest in financial and regulatory technologies, and this, together with his commercial experience, drew him to carry out his dissertation exploring VAT and how blockchain technology could potentially be used to reduce non-compliance.
In the last year he has also founded The Legal Chain (https://www.thelegalchain.co.uk/), an online platform for students to learn about the regulatory issues around blockchain technology and the potential for its application within legal practices. He has also had experience establishing his own clothing and design company, this has improved his understanding of the world of commerce and provided his first real insight into VAT.
He is now keen to enter a career in commercial law and has recently enjoyed a two-week vacation scheme at Orrick’s London office, sitting in Competition Law for the first week and Banking, Finance and Restructuring for the second.
Hans Joachim Narzynski is head of division in the Ministry’s directorate for customs and indirect taxation. In this position he is dealing with international VAT matters, in particular with the negotiations on European regulations and their application. Hans Joachim Narzynski joined the tax administration in Germany in 1998, working for the Federal Ministry of Finance since 2013. He previously worked in different local tax offices in the federal state of Saxony and as an advisor in the Federal Parliament of Germany.
Dr. Hans-Martin Grambeck holds a degree in economics. He is a German VAT expert and a certified German tax advisor. He started his career 17 years ago in a mid-sized accounting and tax advisory firm, fully specialized in VAT when working in London in 2008 / 2009 and left PWC 2015 where he has worked as a senior manager in the Hamburg VAT team for nearly five years. He is now self-employed in a VAT boutique (nesemann & grambeck) and has a personal focus on services, including e-services and travel (cruise companies, travel agents, MICE business, ticket dealers etc.), and European matters. He regularly publishes articles on VAT issues which also deal with problems arising from an incomplete harmonization of VAT. He works as a German contact for the IBFD VAT law link and gives VAT trainings in cooperation with professional education institutes such as Management Circle.
Karl-Heinz is a Global VAT/GST Practitioner with over 30 years of international VAT/GST technical and practical experience (Tax authorities, Big 4 and 19 years in Industry). He is actively involved in a wide variety of industry and expert policy groups on an EU and international level – e.g., as chair of the Business at OECD VAT/GST work to the OECD and a member of the EU Commission´s VAT Expert Group. In 2021 Karl-Heinz founded an independent international Thought Leadership, Strategy and Policy Affairs company with domain knowledge and understanding of the global VAT/GST policy landscape.
Patrice Pillet is the Head of Unit for indirect taxation legal affairs, in DG Taxud (European Commission). He is therefore responsible for the management of complains, the handing of infringement procedures as well as other legal issues (including preliminary rulings) in the area of indirect taxation.
He was previously Head of Sector responsible for VAT on electronic commerce (2008-1016). He has also previously been responsible for international affairs and technical assistance in the Customs Directorate of DG Taxud (2004-2008), as well as for fighting VAT fraud and promoting mutual assistance in tax matters (1998-2004).
Piet Battiau is the Head of the Consumption Taxes Unit in the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) of the OECD. He is responsible for the OECD’s expanding work on indirect taxes, including the International VAT/GST Guidelines and the OECD Global Forum on VAT.
He has been included in the International Tax Review’s Global Tax 50 of the world’s most influential persons in tax policy and practice every year since its inception in 2011.
Piet joined the OECD in 2011. He began his career as a tax inspector for the Belgian Ministry of Finance in the early 1990’s before moving on to an international financial institution in 1995, where he became Head of International Taxation and subsequently Head of Public Policy. He was also Chairman of the Fiscal Committee of the European Banking Federation.
He studied Law in Brussels and Ghent and holds a Law degree and a degree in Tax Science.
Prasan Rajendra Kumar is a Chartered Accountant in Practice in Chennai, India. He is a senior partner of Sanjiv Shah & Associates and leads the Indirect Tax Practice of the firm. He is a Commerce graduate from the prestigious University of Madras and is also a Cost and Management Accountant. He serves as a member of Technical Advisory Group to Working Party 9 on Consumption Tax at the OECD. He is also the past president of International Chamber of Indirect Tax Professionals. RK as he is popularly known has carved a niche in the area of Consumption Taxes and is much sought after resource person across the globe. His views are sought by clients and policy makers in equal measure. Apart from donning leadership roles RK is a voracious reader, avid traveller and singer.
Is an international VAT consultant. He has worked since 1996 in international VAT for a Big Four and worked several years in industry as in-house VAT manager. In 2010 he started his own VAT consulting firm ALLVAT. He is frequent speaker at international seminars, organizes trainings for the Federation of Dutch exporters, the Chamber of Commerce, the International VAT Expert Academy (IVEA) and is partner of VAT Forum CV. He is currently a board member of the IVA and liaises with the IVA members outside the EU. His focus is on the international supply chain in Europe and more recently the GCC.
Richard is the CEO of VAT Calc, the global VAT/GST determination and reporting tech venture. Richard originally qualified with KPMG in the UK, and went on to work for EY in Hungary, Russia and France. He established and built the European VAT businesses of TMF Group and then Avalara. He built the vatlive.com leading free global indirect tax web info site, acquired by Avalara.
Professor and Chair of Tax Law at the University of Leeds. She is an International Research Fellow at the Centre for Business Taxation, Oxford University; and holds a law degree from the University of Lisbon, and a PhD from the University of Dublin, Trinity College. Her research focus primarily on tax law and policy – particularly on the intersection between tax law and EU constitutional law, tax law and public economics, and tax law and criminology – having published widely on these areas, including four books, and over 60 journal articles and book chapters. She was Tax Policy and Legal Adviser to the Portuguese Government (2011-2012), and to the Government of Timor-Leste (2015-2016); has provided tax legal advice to the Irish Revenue Commissioners (2016), and tax policy advice, and/or legal drafting advice to the Governments of Sao Tome and Principe (2016-), Angola (2016-2018), and Turkey (2018) under the auspices of the IMF. Professor de la Feria was listed two years running (2015-2016) in the Global Tax 50, by the International Tax Review, as one of the most influential tax people in the World; and was co-recipient of the 2016 Outstanding Women in Tax Award, awarded by the Tax Analysts.
Ruth is the national Technical Chair for the VAT Practitioners Group. She is also an Associate specialising in indirect taxes with Hiller Hopkins LLP in the UK. In her VPG role, Ruth has worked closely with HM Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) on the “Making Tax Digital” project, ensuring that HMRC is fully aware of the challenges faced by taxpayers unused to accounting software. She has also been working with HMRC on the legislation for a “No Deal” Brexit.
She also represents the VPG and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (“ICAEW”) on various committees with HMRC and was seconded to the Office of Tax Simplification for seven months in 2017 to look at ways of simplifying the VAT code in the United Kingdom.
Stephen Dale is a partner in a specialist VAT practice in Paris in HEDEOS société d’avocats and has worked in French taxation for more than twenty years, having previously worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers in the UK.
Stephen is a member (and former Chairman) of the FEE (Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens) Tax Policy Group and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales VAT Committee (and former Chairman). He represents the IVA on the Expert Group and is a member of the OECD’s Global VAT Forum.
He is a board member of the Association de la Pratique de la TVA européenne (APTE).
He is the author of several publications such as VAT Yearbook – Kluwer, VAT Guides – PwC, Articles – International Indirect Tax, BNA, journals and newspapers.
Tiina Ruohola is a Senior Advisor on VAT at the Confederation of Finnish Industries. Tiina has worked with VAT for over 15 years, working for the Finnish Tax Administration and several consulting companies before joining the Confederation 4 years ago. Tiina is an active member of Business Europe’s VAT group and represents the Finnish businesses in the VAT Expert Group and the EU VAT Forum. In Finland, Tiina is also a member of the Board of Adjustments dealing with differences of opinion between taxpayers and the Tax Administration and the Central Board of Taxation, which is the body giving out advance ruling in major cases. Tiina’s motto is: you can talk about everything with a smile on your face – even about taxation.
Feedback for this Conference
“Very grateful for the opportunity to speak at the IVA conference in Edinburgh. It’s been an excellent chance to chat and compare and develop ideas as well. Particular thanks to Stephen Dale for the invite, Alexandra Stoicheva and Valerie Crompton for the organization and Fabian Völkel for the kind intro words.”
Andrew TuckerHMRC
“Dear IVA Friends, it was great to meet you at the IVA conference in Edinburgh! I missed it, good to be back. For 2 days we discussed very interesting topics related to: VAT neutrality and deduction; Awareness of taking part in VAT fraud – is it always so obvious?; VAT is more than just fraud; Blockchain & VAT compliance – transparency, security, opportunity; Update on European Commission and ECJ cases. Thank you to all IVA speakers and participants for VAT & life talks (these two have a lot in common )! See you in Barcelona this fall!”
Anna SzafraniecASB Tax Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
“My company has been named as leading VAT experts in Germany and I have to say that the IVA is an important aspect in this regard since international networks are decisive to deliver profound advice. It is important for us to keep in touch not only with other member firms but also having the chance to meet people from the EU, ECJ, OCED and local tax administrations. I really appreciate that the IVA offers such opportunities and that those people are willing to contribute to our conferences.”
Dr. Hans-Martin Grambecknesemann & grambeck (Germany)
“Thank you again for a great conference, it was a fantastic experience!”
George AlexanderLedds University (UK)
“It was a pleasure meeting you. I place on record the wonderful conference organized by you and your team.”
Rajendra KumarSanjiv Shah & Associates (India)
“Many thanks for the great organizing!”
Tiina RuoholaConfederation of Finnish Industries (Finland)
Conference Venue
Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa
1 Festival Square
Edinburgh, EH3 9SR, UK
Tel.: +44 131 229 9131
2021 Autumn Conference
Brussels, Belgium and Virtual Livestream
21 and 22 October 2021
Topic: VAT 3.0: Tax, technology, and threats
Those dealing with VAT are being challenged like never before, whether it be in relation to the scope of the tax, the increased use of technology by administrations and business and, due to it being a real-time imposition, the scope for errors. More than ever the management of this global tax requires very careful consideration.
Businesses and administrations need to know where the VAT is coming from and where it is going? How are the new e-commerce rules being applied across Europe since the 1st of July; what is the level of simplification perceived by businesses? What are the difficult issues that they are still facing? How is the growing role of technology affecting VAT compliance, refunds, or VAT in general? What is the latest news on JCT, GST and EAU VAT? What are the hot topics the European Commission is working on?
We will be addressing all of these subjects, not only from an EU but also from a worldwide perspective.
VAT practitioners, businesses, European and global institutions, and VAT authorities’ representatives from different parts of the world will share their experience and views at our next IVA hybrid conference that will take place in Brussels and online, so don’t miss it and be there!
Speakers For This Conference
Damien Moras is Founder and Managing Director of VAT4U. Armed with an academic background in business administration and finance from Toulouse-Barcelona Business School along with 12 years of consultancy with a strong focus on strategic costs optimization and financial risk mitigation strategies, Damien has managed strategic projects across different regions for large corporations, including digitization of the tax function. His work, has been going well beyond borders: Barcelona, Paris, Milan and Düsseldorf. Damien co-founded VAT4U with the core commitment of improving the way corporations recover VAT.
Donato Raponi has worked in the Ministry of Finance as a Tax Inspector from 1976 until 1979; and in the European Commission from 1979 until 2017. He is now an Independent Consultant dealing with indirect taxes.
He holds a Master degree in European Tax Law and Bachelor in Economics. He is honorary professor of European Tax Law at Brussels Business Management School. He is Co-Author of the book “Arriva l’euro” (Carmenta Editor) and numerous articles in tax matters.
Emmanuel is a French tax lawyer specializing exclusively in indirect taxes (VAT, Excise and Customs duties). After 10 years of experience at Price Waterhouse Tax and Legal and then Arthur Andersen International, he started his own consulting law firm in 2000. He has specifically built a significant experience in international supply chain structuring, ERP/SAP VAT implementations and multi-national advisory and compliance coordination. His main areas of activity are pharmaceuticals, energy utilities, aeronautics and chemicals. He is a partner of VAT Forum CV and regularly lectures at international VAT events.
Fátima Gouveia is a Portuguese Economist with Post-Graduations in Taxation. Born in in 1968, she entered Comark, Lda. in 1992, and is General Manager since 2014. She has been working in VAT issues, including cross-border VAT for about 20 years. All her professional experience has been focused in international business and cooperation. Comark, Lda is a member of the IVA since 1998 and has been on the IVA Board in the last 5 years.
George L. Salis, is a recognised economist, lawyer, and tax professional, with over 25+ years of international tax experience in international tax and trade compliance, tax planning and controversy, fiscal regulation and economic consulting. He specializes in international economic law; including taxation, fiscal & economic policy, transfer pricing and trade regulation, often working with international and intergovernmental organisations and multinational companies, and universities.
George is an experienced analyst and advisor to senior executives in global firms, intergovernmental organizations, and tax administrations on matters of taxation, global tax and fiscal policy, transfer pricing, VAT, tax treaties, EU tax law, customs & trade regulation, global information exchange and reporting regulation.
He is an adjunct professor of graduate tax law, risk analysis, and economics at Texas A&M University Law School, and formerly at other universities. The author of several articles related to international tax, economics, fiscal and tax policy, and global trade and finance in many professional publications, he is also a contributing author to the LexisNexis’ U.S. Transfer Pricing Guide, 4thEd, and other professional magazines and journals, as well as a frequent speaker at global conferences, government symposia, and professional roundtables.
George holds a PhD in International Law & Economic Policy, an LLM in International Tax Law, and LLM (Hons) International Taxation & Financial Services, an LLB (Hons), and BSc (Hons) in Economics, Political Science and Philosophy. He is the recipient of both the Advanced Certificate in EU Law, from the Academy of European Law, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, and the Executive Certificate in Economic Development, at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He is a Certified Business Economist (CBE)-US National Association for Business Economics (NABE) Charter.
Jean Claude Bouchard fell into the VAT pot some 56 years ago, started his career as a VAT consultant with CMS Francis Lefebvre where he stayed some 40 years, then joined TAJ (Deloitte) for seven extra years. During his career he has pleaded quite a number of cases and more specifically over 10 cases by the ECJ.
He was a member of the VAT expert group for seven years. He launched the creation of the European VAT club; with your present chairman, he launched in France an association grouping VAT practitioners from businesses and from lawyers: an association which is regularly in confident contacts with the tax administrations.
He had the honor and the pleasure to chair the IVA for over 10 years et cetera et cetera.
He has succeeded in convincing the EU Commission that the definitive VAT regime should be based on the “single place of declaration” principle, forcing the tax administrations to converge in their common monitoring of the tax, thus affording businesses to develop their activities within the EU in an environment fostering fiscal certainty.
Manuel Pérez de Algaba Cuenca, a Spanish lawyer and economist with a long experience as tax advisor, including seventeen years in multinational firms. Since 1999 provides independent tax advice through his firm IVA Consulta.
Founder member of VAT-Forum, member of the International VAT Association (IVA) and its Scientific Committee, member of Tax, Tourism & Law (TTL), a network of specialists in the taxation of the tourism sector. He frequently participates as lecturer in the formation activites and courses organized by these bodies.
Manuel Sieben is a tax advisor and, as managing director at AWB Steuerberatungsgesellschaft (AWB Tax Consultancy), is responsible for advising clients, especially in the areas of customs and preferential law. In particular, he is the contact person for legal issues and the implementation and optimisation of process organisation with regard to compliance with regulations relevant to foreign trade.
Until mid-2011, he worked in the senior service of the German customs administration at the main customs offices in Krefeld and Düsseldorf. He also completed the internationally oriented Master of Customs Administration (MCA) degree programme at the University of Münster.
At the AWA AUSSENWIRTSCHAFTS-AKADEMIE (AWA FOREIGN TRADE ACADEMY) he regularly holds seminars on customs and preferential law topics as a lecturer. He is also an author of various publications on customs law.
Michael is a VAT policy specialist in HM Revenue and Customs. He is responsible for Overseas VAT refunds, commodities and exports of Finance and Insurance services, as well as advising on EU Transition VAT issues.
He has 6 years of VAT experience which includes working in HM Treasury in 2018. He has held the role of Legal Interpretation Tax Gap lead and is also trained in direct taxes. Michael holds an MA in Finance from Bangor University.
Miguel Correia is a Deputy Director-General of the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority, responsible for VAT. He has accumulated a wide international experience in tax policy and tax consulting over the past two decades, in the public and private sectors. Prior to his current position, he worked as counselor for fiscal affairs at the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union, in Brussels, and as tax advisor at Deloitte in Lisbon and PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York. Miguel holds a PhD in Tax Law from the London School of Economics.
Mojca Grobovsek is an indirect tax specialist and has been working in the field of VAT for 11 years now. She has started as a VAT Manager in a private company specialized in VAT recovery and VAT Compliance. In 2011, she wanted to give another significant dimension to my career. She therefore decided to join the Paris Chamber of Commerce, where she was working as a tax expert for the Enterprise Europe Network, which aims at helping SME,’s to develop and to support their activities on the European market. In July 2016, Mojca has joined Ayming as a VAT Expert where she identifies tax risks and propose compliant VAT schemes to their clients and their subsidiaries. Mojca also participates to commercial and partnership development. She deals with technical analysis of all kind of indirect tax issues and has a strategic oversight of the businesses. Mojca is also an official trainer on indirect taxation (VAT and customs) for the Paris Chamber of Commerce and takes often part of different conferences as a guest or as a speaker.
After studying law at the Universities of Marburg, Münster and Paris, Dr. Nathalie Harksen is working as a lawyer in tax law.
She is a managing partner of AWB Steuerberatungsgesellschaft and AWB Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft with offices in Münster, Munich and Hamburg. The AWB provides a further platform for assisting multinationals in their cross-border activities relating to customs, VAT, excise duties and export controls. Nathalie specializes in the customs and VAT implications of cross-border transactions. Due to her studies in customs law at the University of Münster, she advises multinational clients on the interfaces between VAT and customs with particular emphasis on VAT, import VAT and Incoterms.
She is an experienced trainer and holds seminars throughout Germany for the management staff of major German companies in VAT, customs and intrastat topics. She also has been accredited by the ICC as trainer for Incoterms2010. Furthermore, she is a guest lecturer at the Federal Finance Academy in Berlin.
Nathalie is one of the authors of „Rau/Dürrwächter“ (commentary of the VAT-Law – § 21 import VAT and § 21a special arrangement) and publishes regularly on customs and VAT issues.
Nils Vanhassel is a tax lawyer who specializes in indirect taxation, with a particular focus on VAT. After starting his career at PwC Belgium, he became an associate at Tiberghien Lawyers, one of Belgium’s leading tax law firms. In 2019, he moved to the Middle East, where he became a Counsel at Aurifer Middle East Tax Consultancy.
Since coming to the Gulf region, Nils has gained extensive experience with both direct and indirect taxation in the Middle East. During his career, Nils has advised clients from a wide variety of sectors. This has allowed him to gain considerable expertise in dealing with complex VAT matters. Nils’ career path offers a unique perspective, having worked in a mature VAT jurisdiction before coming to the GCC region, where VAT was only recently implemented.
Nils regularly gives presentations on various tax topics and he is a frequent author of articles on taxation in the EU and GCC. Nils also co-authored several reference works on Belgian VAT, such as the Tiberghien Tax Law Manual and the VAT Manual published by Larcier.
Nils holds an LL.M. (Master of laws) from the University of Ghent and has also obtained a postgraduate in Tax Law from the Brussels Tax College. He is the recipient of the Advanced Professional Certificate in International Taxation (APCIT) from the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD).
Patrice Pillet is the Head of Unit for indirect taxation legal affairs, in DG Taxud (European Commission). He is therefore responsible for the management of complains, the handing of infringement procedures as well as other legal issues (including preliminary rulings) in the area of indirect taxation.
He was previously Head of Sector responsible for VAT on electronic commerce (2008-1016). He has also previously been responsible for international affairs and technical assistance in the Customs Directorate of DG Taxud (2004-2008), as well as for fighting VAT fraud and promoting mutual assistance in tax matters (1998-2004).
Piet Battiau is the Head of the Consumption Taxes Unit in the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) of the OECD. He is responsible for the OECD’s expanding work on indirect taxes, including the International VAT/GST Guidelines and the OECD Global Forum on VAT.
He has been included in the International Tax Review’s Global Tax 50 of the world’s most influential persons in tax policy and practice every year since its inception in 2011.
Piet joined the OECD in 2011. He began his career as a tax inspector for the Belgian Ministry of Finance in the early 1990’s before moving on to an international financial institution in 1995, where he became Head of International Taxation and subsequently Head of Public Policy. He was also Chairman of the Fiscal Committee of the European Banking Federation.
He studied Law in Brussels and Ghent and holds a Law degree and a degree in Tax Science.
Is an international VAT consultant. He has worked since 1996 in international VAT for a Big Four and worked several years in industry as in-house VAT manager. In 2010 he started his own VAT consulting firm ALLVAT. He is frequent speaker at international seminars, organizes trainings for the Federation of Dutch exporters, the Chamber of Commerce, the International VAT Expert Academy (IVEA) and is partner of VAT Forum CV. He is currently a board member of the IVA and liaises with the IVA members outside the EU. His focus is on the international supply chain in Europe and more recently the GCC.
Sophie is a member of Amazon’s EU public policy team in Brussels where she is leading and coordinating Amazon’s VAT and corporation tax policy efforts at a pan-EU level.
She has previously worked as a tax advisor at PwC and has advised many technology, ecommerce, media and telecoms businesses on VAT. She works closely with EU policy stakeholders on reforms to the VAT system, including the implementation of the VAT ecommerce package, but also on future VAT reforms. She holds a Master degree in Law and an Executive Master in Taxation. She is author of different publications on VAT and the digital economy.
Stephen Dale is a partner in a specialist VAT practice in Paris in HEDEOS société d’avocats and has worked in French taxation for more than twenty years, having previously worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers in the UK.
Stephen is a member (and former Chairman) of the FEE (Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens) Tax Policy Group and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales VAT Committee (and former Chairman). He represents the IVA on the Expert Group and is a member of the OECD’s Global VAT Forum.
He is a board member of the Association de la Pratique de la TVA européenne (APTE).
He is the author of several publications such as VAT Yearbook – Kluwer, VAT Guides – PwC, Articles – International Indirect Tax, BNA, journals and newspapers.
Joined ORIX Corporation in 1995, engaged in business development and investment in overseas business units. In 2006, transferred to Singapore investment subsidiary ORIX Investment and Management as President. After that, worked as Managing Director in departments including Overseas Business Investment, Strategic Investment, and Overseas Business Development.
Carried out many projects including investment in Vietnam and Singapore under joint management with listed enterprises in Singapore, business development of microfinance as director of the listed enterprise in Sri Lanka, financing Cambodia’s largest commercial bank, and M&A of Indonesia’s second-largest independent finance company. After the investments were implemented, promoted with team members hands-on development of new business in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar with invested enterprises, PMI (Post Merger Integration) for an acquire in Indonesia, and investment strategy planning in Thailand and Malaysia.
Having experience of cross-border investment among industrial companies and PMI, started to be willing to support the overseas business development of Japanese companies in a hands-on way. Also sympathized with Fuchigami, who had worked together in ORIX, and his idea “making world’s tax matters easy by the cloud.” Confident in the growth potential of OPTI as TaxTech and joined its management by co-funding.
Graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University.
Thibauld Manson is currently Tax Attache for Germany, Austria and Switzerland at the French Embassy in Berlin.
Prior to his current position, he was the head of the French VAT Refund Unit for foreign businesses, international organizations and diplomatic missions at the non-resident tax directorate (DINR).
Thibauld attended the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Cachan and has 15 years of experience in both public and private sectors regarding economic and tax issues.
Feedback for this Conference
“It was a pleasure and a great honor. Thank you so much to you and all the operational Team for the care that you had over the past month in ensuring that all was perfect. And finally, to Stephen and IVA in general for allowing the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority to share its projects and views with such an informed and important public. I will continue to follow the conference with the utmost interest.
Cooperation of all involved will indeed be key to ensure that technology can bring to VAT all the promises that it holds. And here, more than in other fields, cooperation between all of us involved in the process is indeed the keystone for success. Let’s continue to work for VAT 3.0, enhancing its successes and being aware of its threats.”
Miguel Gonçalves CorreiaPortuguese Tax Administration
“I would just like to compliment you and the team for the tremendous job you did putting together a hybrid event. Combining both on site and online speakers and delegates to create one successful all-inclusive event is difficult but you did it seamlessly.
The content was excellent, not least Donato Raponi’s walk through time and his future vision with regard to VAT. As always it is great to meet up with persons from the Tax Administrations, present and former, and so many VAT specialists. Having adapted to online meetings I had almost forgotten how important face to face events are, but once together I was reminded of the value of mingling; so much is gained from informal interaction and listening to conversations around the room. Thank you for your hard work and a great program.”
Jane HolmbergUnited Cash Back (Sweden)
“Thank you very much for the organisation of the conference in Brussels. It all went very well to the satisfaction of all of us. Congratulations.”
Jean-Claude BouchardSAS Cabinet Bouchard & Associes (France)
“It was a very nice event. Looking forward to the next edition.”
Remco DewaerheijtBlue Dot (Netherlands)
“Thank you for the opportunity to present and discuss the E-commerce VAT reforms and future developments yesterday, with Patrice Pillet and with the IVA members.”
Sophie ClaessensAmazon (Luxembourg)
2021 Spring Conference
Interactive Virtual Broadcast
25th, 26th and 27th May 2021
Topic: VAT With(out) Borders
The 2021 Spring conference was an occasion to stand back and take an overview of the VAT regime in the EU and its boundaries. The EU Commission’s working program from July setting out a clear set of actions on a number of VAT priorities aims to make the EU VAT system more widely harmonized, while Brexit clearly reintroduces borders to the VAT “table”.
The VAT authorities of several countries presented their updates on cross-border issues and e-invoicing in its multiple EU versions with a focus on technology which is becoming a real ally to VAT advisers, consultants and administrations. Customs and excise duties will not be forgotten, as their interaction with VAT in the EU will become deeper.
Through the interactive breakout sessions were addressed a number of very practical issues, such as the “quick fixes” in order to clarify if borders were demolished or if different practices still challenge businesses; E-commerce reform which in itself will erase a “few boundaries” through the single EU VAT registration and the further extension of the One Stop Shop (“OSS”). The TOMS within the EU, is in need of reform, and were further discussed – as well as the Commission’s other initiatives.
There were plenty of very interesting topics discussed at the 100% digital IVA and highly interactive conference.
Speakers From This Conference
Andrew Tucker, HMRC (UK)
Andrew Tucker is Head of VAT Deductions and Financial Services policy in HMRC. Prior to his current role he headed up the VAT policy team in HMRC dealing with EU Exit. He has previously led a variety of teams and projects across a number of different UK Government departments including on legal aid reform, devolution and in the somewhat niche area of coroners and burials. He is a trustee of two charities, is Chair of Governors at a free school in London and (at the time of writing) is currently training for the London Marathon. He is married to Jane with two daughters Hannah (7) and Sophie (5).
Bradford Rohmer, Oxford Research (Sweden)
Bradford Rohmer is a partner at Oxford Research, a small policy research consultancy (bizarrely) based in Stockholm. He has spent the last 12 years specialising in evaluations and related studies for the European Commission, with a focus on applying social research techniques rigorously to assignments across a range of policy areas. These have included in particular studies in the fields of tax and customs policies. He is currently team leader for the study on the review of the VAT treatment of the financial and insurance industries, and among others has recently completed an evaluation of the Fiscalis programme for tax cooperation. Bradford has degrees in European studies and political science from the Institute of European Studies of the Free University of Brussels and Sciences-Po Strasbourg.
Christian advises clients on all aspects of national and international VAT issues and specializes in customs and excise duty matters. His particular focus is on import VAT related issues as well as optimizing cross-border supply chains and processing schemes. Christian has extensive experience in carrying out SAP-VAT audits and customs reviews. He also accompanies external audits and represents clients before tax authorities and fiscal courts. His clients range from individuals to international groups.
He is a post-graduate degree lecturer at the University of Münster and regularly lectures on VAT and customs related topics, as well as regularly publishing comments, articles and annotations in these areas.
Graduated from HEC in 1997 with a specialisation in Finances, Cyrille Konter started his career in Germany within various investment banks as structureur and seller of derivatives on action. In 2003, he returns to France to take over the business development of TEVEA International.
Damien Moras is Founder and Managing Director of VAT4U. Armed with an academic background in business administration and finance from Toulouse-Barcelona Business School along with 12 years of consultancy with a strong focus on strategic costs optimization and financial risk mitigation strategies, Damien has managed strategic projects across different regions for large corporations, including digitization of the tax function. His work, has been going well beyond borders: Barcelona, Paris, Milan and Düsseldorf. Damien co-founded VAT4U with the core commitment of improving the way corporations recover VAT.
David Hummel is since October 2016 legal secretary (référendaire) at the European Court of Justice at the cabinet of advocate general Kokott.
Before (2013 – 2016) he represented several tax law chairs at the Universities of Münster, Trier, Leipzig and Hamburg. In mid-2017 the appointment as a Professor at the University of Leipzig took place. His academic career starts with the Study of Law at the University of Leipzig, a Graduation (Phd) as an assistant of Prof. Dr. Stadie with a VAT-Thesis in 2009 and a Habilitation in 2013 with the matter: „Rechtsformneutralität im Öffentlichen Recht“ (neutrality of legal forms in public law – venia legendi: public law, especially tax law and public economic law).
David Hummel is one of the authors of, inter alia, „Rau/Dürrwächter“ (commentary of the VAT-Law), „Kirchhof/Söhn/Mellinghoff“ (commentary of the income tax law) and “Hübschmann/Hepp/Spitaler” (commentary of the procedure tax law). Furthermore he is engaged as a tutor in the field of European Tax Law and State Aid Law.
Dermot Donegan is head of VAT Policy and Legislation in the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland. He is an Irish delegate at Council Working Party meetings and other Commission Groups. He chaired discussions at Council on the new 2015 Place of Supply rules for Telecomms, Broadcasting and eServices which were agreed during the Irish Presidency. He has worked in many roles within the Irish Tax Administration and spent 5 years in Africa as a Government adviser on GST and VAT.
Emmanuel is a French tax lawyer specializing exclusively in indirect taxes (VAT, Excise and Customs duties). After 10 years of experience at Price Waterhouse Tax and Legal and then Arthur Andersen International, he started his own consulting law firm in 2000. He has specifically built a significant experience in international supply chain structuring, ERP/SAP VAT implementations and multi-national advisory and compliance coordination. His main areas of activity are pharmaceuticals, energy utilities, aeronautics and chemicals. He is a partner of VAT Forum CV and regularly lectures at international VAT events.
Fabian Völkel is Founder and Managing Director of VAT4U. After legal studies in Münster, Düsseldorf, New York, and London, Fabian worked for 15 years in consultancy at Clifford Chance, KPMG, Ayming (Ex-Lowendalmasai) and TALA Consult before starting VAT4U. His professional focus is on cross-border VAT, combining operational aspects of VAT compliance and VAT recovery with IT technology. Fabian holds a Ph.D. from the University of Munster and an LL.M. (Tax) from the University of London.
Fátima Gouveia is a Portuguese Economist with Post-Graduations in Taxation. Born in in 1968, she entered Comark, Lda. in 1992, and is General Manager since 2014. She has been working in VAT issues, including cross-border VAT for about 20 years. All her professional experience has been focused in international business and cooperation. Comark, Lda is a member of the IVA since 1998 and has been on the IVA Board in the last 5 years.
Fernando Matesanz is the owner and Director of the firm named Spanish VAT Services Asesores SL. He Counts on more than twelve years of experience in providing advice in VAT and other Indirect Taxes.
Fernando holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Degree in European Legislation. He also holds a Master of Laws (LLM) in Corporate Tax Law from the IE Business School.
He is an active Tax Lawyer, member of the Bar and a certified Tax Advisor.
Fernando began his carrier within the VAT Group of Ernst & Young, managing the VAT and customs practice for more than eight years. After that, he founded the firm Spanish VAT Services Asesores SL a firm exclusively working on international VAT matters and other Indirect taxes. Spanish VAT Services is currently one of the main VAT services providers for small and medium-sized companies within the Spanish market.
Fernando regularly acts as speaker and lecturer in different Universities and organizations. He is also a member of the VAT Forum CV.
Giacomo Luchetta is a senior evaluator for Economisti Associati, a boutique consultancy providing services to the European Commission and other international organisations. Over the last 10 years, he has delivered several evaluations and foresight studies for various directorate-generals, with a focus on fiscal policies. For DG Taxation and Customs, he has worked on excises, administrative cooperation, and VAT issues. In the latter area, he currently is deputy team leader for the study on the review of the VAT treatment of the financial and insurance industries, and was so for the study on the evaluation of e-invoicing rules. Giacomo has a law-and-economics background, with a PhD from LUISS University and a joint LL.M. from the Universities of Gent and Rotterdam.
After studying law at Freiburg University in Germany Hans Joachim Narzynski joined the tax administration in Germany in 1998. He worked in different local tax offices in the federal state of Saxony. In 2009 he became an advisor in the Federal Parliament of Germany. He joined the Federal Ministry of Finance In 2013, first working in the press department of the Ministry. Since 2016 he is involved in European negotiations on tax issues as head of division. Hans Joachim Narzynski is now head of division in the Ministry’s directorate for customs and indirect taxation. In this position he is dealing with international VAT matters, in particular European VAT regulations.
Madeleine Merkx (1982) studied tax law at Tilburg University (2000-2004) where she obtained her PhD in 2011 on the subject of (fixed) establishments in EU VAT. She is currently working as a partner at the Tax Research Center of BDO and as an endowed professor of indirect taxation at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is also a deputy judge at the District Court of Noord-Holland.
Mojca Grobovsek is an indirect tax specialist and has been working in the field of VAT for 11 years now. She has started as a VAT Manager in a private company specialized in VAT recovery and VAT Compliance. In 2011, she wanted to give another significant dimension to my career. She therefore decided to join the Paris Chamber of Commerce, where she was working as a tax expert for the Enterprise Europe Network, which aims at helping SME,’s to develop and to support their activities on the European market. In July 2016, Mojca has joined Ayming as a VAT Expert where she identifies tax risks and propose compliant VAT schemes to their clients and their subsidiaries. Mojca also participates to commercial and partnership development. She deals with technical analysis of all kind of indirect tax issues and has a strategic oversight of the businesses. Mojca is also an official trainer on indirect taxation (VAT and customs) for the Paris Chamber of Commerce and takes often part of different conferences as a guest or as a speaker.
Olivier Alinat is currently part of the VAT unit of the tax legislation department (Direction de la législation fiscale) of the French Ministry of Economy and Finance. He joined the French tax administration after studying law at Aix-Marseille University and obtaining an LL.M in European Law at Leiden University.
He mainly works on issues related to the right to deduct and financial services, as well as payroll tax (taxe sur les salaires). He also participates in the work of the OECD Working Party on Consumption Taxes (WP 9) . More recently, his work has focused on the implementation of a VAT group mechanism in France.
Since joining the Commission since 1995, across the range of issues in which she has been involved, her efforts have focused on the recast of the Sixth VAT Directive, the VAT package, vouchers, SMEs, rates and more recently financial services, travel agents and passenger transport. She is also in charge of the VAT Committee. Prior to that, she worked at the Danish Ministry of Taxation and briefly in the private sector.
Is an international VAT consultant. He has worked since 1996 in international VAT for a Big Four and worked several years in industry as in-house VAT manager. In 2010 he started his own VAT consulting firm ALLVAT. He is frequent speaker at international seminars, organizes trainings for the Federation of Dutch exporters, the Chamber of Commerce, the International VAT Expert Academy (IVEA) and is partner of VAT Forum CV. He is currently a board member of the IVA and liaises with the IVA members outside the EU. His focus is on the international supply chain in Europe and more recently the GCC.
Ruth is the national Technical Chair for the VAT Practitioners Group. She is also an Associate specialising in indirect taxes with Hiller Hopkins LLP in the UK. In her VPG role, Ruth has worked closely with HM Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) on the “Making Tax Digital” project, ensuring that HMRC is fully aware of the challenges faced by taxpayers unused to accounting software.
She also represents the VPG and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (“ICAEW”) on various committees with HMRC and was seconded to the Office of Tax Simplification for seven months in 2017 to look at ways of simplifying the VAT code in the United Kingdom.
Stephen Dale is a partner in a specialist VAT practice in Paris in HEDEOS société d’avocats and has worked in French taxation for more than twenty years, having previously worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers in the UK.
Stephen is a member (and former Chairman) of the FEE (Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens) Tax Policy Group and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales VAT Committee (and former Chairman). He represents the IVA on the Expert Group and is a member of the OECD’s Global VAT Forum.
He is a board member of the Association de la Pratique de la TVA européenne (APTE).
He is the author of several publications such as VAT Yearbook – Kluwer, VAT Guides – PwC, Articles – International Indirect Tax, BNA, journals and newspapers.
Feedback for this Conference
“Thanks for the good preparation of the last three days. It was great to see that even in those difficult times, IVA made it again to come up with a great conference. We liked a lot the chosen topics, set of speeches and discussion rounds. It was a pleasure to be part of this and we do hope that we can stay part of the contributors for future technology topics.”
Fabian VölkelVAT4U Germany
“Concerning the conference itself, it was just excellent and beautifully organised. Congratulations all of those who took part in setting up.”
Jean Claude BouchardSAS Cabinet Bouchard & Associes France
“"Thanks all for sharing your knowledge!"”
Bishan ShahBishan R Shah & Co. (India)
“"The IVA this week was as always very interesting and the webinar format was again a success ! Thank you!"”
Sophie DegrandiHedeos (France)
“Once again a great conference, great info and well presented.”
Anne FalveyGB Business Global (Ireland)
“Great conference, many thanks for the huge effort!”
Fernando MatesanzSpanish VAT Services (Spain)
“Thank you the 3 days were valuable. A special thanks to Stephen and everyone else.”
Richard HayeWay 2 VAT UK Ltd (UK)
“Congrats with the organisation of a great virtual conference!”
Hilde BlontrockEneman Brugge (Belgium)
2020 Autumn Conference
Interactive Virtual Broadcast
Topic: Digitalization and Servitization, the next VAT Frontier
The future of VAT lies in digitalization and servitization. How will businesses adjust to this brand-new world? How can tax consultants assist businesses and liaise efficiently with VAT Authorities? What IT competences will be required of all relevant stakeholders?
What are the immediate challenges that lie ahead and how can we prepare to face them?
The virtual conference week addressed all of these issues and brought some practical solutions to better understand these very important evolutions!
2019 Spring Conference
Munich, Germany
16th and 17th May 2019
Topic: New VAT foundations
Irresistible forces were making VAT and indirect taxes rapidly change in Europe and worldwide: whether due to the development of e-commerce, the permanent and continuous creation of new types of goods, services and other products, the fight against tax evasion and fraud, new VAT and customs rules, introduced in a sort-of harmonized disorder by governments, general digitalization, new IT systems and automation to cope with all these changes, and finally the tax judges trying to interpret this complex world.
All of these major disrupters were shaking up the principles, the rules and the interpretations of the VAT and indirect taxes legislation and compliance requirements.
Our Munich conference was the occasion to try to understand the new VAT foundations emerging from this challenging environment, and the imminent future, including what we should have expected to see in the post-Brexit EU.
2019 Autumn Conference
Athens, Greece
17th and 18th October 2019
Topic: Fixing VAT on trade in Europe
The Commission clearly set out its strategy for modernising the EU VAT system in its Action Plan in April 2016(1). We are now 3 and half years later. At our October conference we will look not only at the progress that has been made, but also the challenges still to overcome to “fix VAT in the EU” which has become one of the major issues for businesses, for Member States and for … the Commission. Implementation of new rules (quick fixes, e-commerce platforms, vouchers, Customs, new digital proposals, SMEs, rates; financial services and the definitive system for goods) is essential to ensure compliance, level-playing fields and the elimination of VAT fraud. Cooperation and collaboration between businesses and authorities will clearly be key and Brexit will be round the corner. Our forthcoming conference in Athens will address all of these issues.
(1) https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/sites/taxation/files/com_2016_148_en.pdf
Spring Conference 2018
Nice, France
17th and 18th May 2018
Topic: Fundamental Reform of the European VAT System – VAT in a new era.
2018 Autumn Conference
Stockholm, Sweeden
18th and 19th October 2018
Topic: Worldwide Indirect Taxation – Digitalisation – Its Impacts and Consequences for Taxpayers and Administrations
Autumn 2013
Brussels, Belgium
IVA celebrates its 20 years anniversary!
24th – 25th October, 2013
2017 Autumn Conference
Brussels, Belgium
19th and 20th October 2017
At the IVA Autumn conference in Brussels we welcomed guest speakers from the Swiss, Finish and French Tax Administrations. We also had Ms Maria Elena Scoppio from the European Commission providing an update on the work of the EC.
From outside of the EU, we had Mrs Aslina Joned from the GST Malaysian Appeal Tribunal talking about the Malaysian experience. There was also an update from the Gulf States and from India.
Our guest speaker Dr. George Salis from Vertex (USA) talked about global indirect taxation and tax reform trends. Richard Asquith from Avalara provided an update on Brexit. There was a special panel discussion about Meetings Incentives Conventions Exhibitions (MICE).
Dr. Stefan Maunz provided an update on technical VAT. Daniel Sztanko from RSM Hungary presented an update on recent developments in Hungary (EKAER) and Emmanuel Cotessat talked about the increasing links between VAT and Customs.
2017 Spring Conference
Estoril, Portugal
11th and 12th May 2017
Topic: EU VAT system and the E-commerce
The European Commission published just before the end of the 2016 its proposals on adapting the EU VAT system to e-commerce. The OECD published its draft guidelines on collecting VAT in a digital world as well. There could not be another topic more relevant which needed to be discussed in the VAT/GST world.
Speakers at the Estoril Conference in Portugal were representatives from the European Commission, Tax Administrations from different EU Member states, as well as Business representatives and representatives from the VAT Science and our IVA members.
We had as speakers Donato Raponi from the European Commission, as well as Lenka Mikulíková from the Czech Tax Administration, Marcos Álvarez Suso from the Spanish Tax Administration, Arnis Lībenzons from the Latvian Tax Administration and Jonathan Heath from HMRC. Miguel Silva Pinto talked about how the work of IOTA is developing around the digital economy and the challenges it brought to Tax Administrations.
Spring 2016
Vienna, Austria
12th and 13th May 2016
Topic: Can you be VAT compliant in Europe? – with a focus on VAT practical and technical topics.
Speakers at the Vienna Conference were representatives from the European Commission, Tax Administrations from different EU member states, as well as Business representatives and representatives from the VAT Science and our IVA members.
Autumn 2015
Brussels, Belgium
22nd and 23rd October 2015
Topic: QUO VATIS. The VAT System – Today? And where to in the Future?
Some of the topics which were presented at the conference are: Where is VAT heading in the next 5 years? (update from the EC and Tax Authorities), EU differences with respect to recoverability of input VAT and compliance, VAT fraud, EU case law – Technical update, and many more.
Among others we had as guest speakers Donato Raponi from the European Commission, Piet Battiau from OECD, representatives from the Belgian, Portuguese Tax Administration. We also had Mr Karl-Heinz Haydl, the Global VAT/GST Leader Technical & Policy from GE Corporate, who presented Quo VATis from a Business perspective.
Spring 2015
Berlin, German
21st and 22nd May 2015
For our 2015 Spring conference in Berlin we spent a large part of the 1 1/2 days on looking at how technology has and will increasingly have an important role to play in the management of the VAT system, both within and outside of the EU for businesses and Governments – but at what cost to business? We had a round table discussion with the EU Commission and presentations from tax administrations as to how they see technology evolving. In addition we had workshops, technical updates – and a great opportunity for networking all in a very short timeframe.
Autumn 2014
Brussels, Belgium
23rd – 24th October, 2014
For our 2014 Brussels autumn conference we had a major focus on the MOSS and the significant changes being made to the EU VAT rules with effect from 1 January 2015. We were joined by representatives from the French, UK, Belgian and Italian administrations and the EU Commission to see how these changes will affect business and the role for business to play to make the new system succeed.
We had, in addition, a very full programme with speakers covering VAT regimes from Brazil to Russia and the EU, as well as workshops, technical updates – and a great opportunity for networking.
Autumn 2016
Zurich, Switzerland
20th and 21st October 2016
Topic: Looking beyond EU. Non-EU indirect taxes
At the Autumn 2016 conference we had speakers from the European Commission, the Swiss and Maltese Tax Administrations. Focus of the conference was global VAT/GST update, covering Mexico, Russia, Morocco, Australia, New Zealand and Norway. From the Business perspective we had Geroge Salis from Vertext (USA) and Christoph Lybeer from Johnson & Johnson (Switzerland).