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IVA – re-appointed as a Member of the VAT Expert Group

By November 22, 2016July 10th, 2021No Comments

As from 1st October 2016 the IVA has been re-appointed as a member of the VAT Expert Group (VEG) with Stephen Dale as main representative and Emmanuel Cotessat as alternate…

As from 1st October 2016 the IVA has been re-appointed as a member of the VAT Expert Group (VEG) with Stephen Dale as main representative and Emmanuel Cotessat as alternate.

The next mandate for the VEG is extended to three years by Decision C (2016) 4098.

The VAT Expert Group is composed of individuals with the requisite expertise in the area of VAT and organisations representing in particular businesses and tax practitioners which can assist in the development and implementation of VAT policies within the EU.

The IVA has been part of the VEG since 2014 and we believe that the IVA has strongly contributed to the work of the Group – taking an active role in the sub-group on Welmory, working on the draft opinions, and taking part in all of the meetings/calls that have taken place. The IVA has also contributed to the work on Skandia.

The IVA has provided detailed replies to the VAT Grouping questionnaires and looks forward to actively participating in the next meeting of the VAT Expert Group which will take place in Brussels this month.