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Czech Republic – new online portal MY TAX

By March 25, 2022March 30th, 2022No Comments

Czech Republic Tax Authorities have published a new online portal called MY TAX (Moje Daně) for VAT compliance and all other taxes and administrative processes. Although it has been active for a while, this portal is finally replacing the old portal. The new portal aims to simplify, accelerate, and ease the electronic communication between taxpayers, agents and the tax authority.

Access through the old portal to electronic tax services was available only until 28 February, 2022.

Also, the new online portal introduced a modernized tax information box (informační schránku PLUS (DIS+)), which will replace the previous information boxes set up. Similarly, original information boxes (DIS) were available only until 28 February, 2022.

Tax information boxes DIS+

Following the cancel of old tax information boxes, tax authorities have introduced modernized tax information boxes DIS+. These updated tax information boxes offer several advantages in comparison with the old ones, according to the tax authorities:

  • fast and easy login
  • pre-filling of selected data into the EPO forms
  • sending submissions directly without the need for further approval
  • setting mailbox access permissions to other users, etc.

In general, setting up the tax information box (DIS+) offers many advantages to taxpayers: being able to track balances on tax accounts of the company, make use of the same information on other applications (e.g., possibility to request a VAT refund), set up alerts related to selected terms or deadlines (e.g., deadline for the submission of tax return), or even follow up on any fine imposed by the tax authorities.

The above information was kindly provided by Pedro Pestana da Silva  from Marosa (Spain),; contact: [email protected]